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临床医学专业大二下学期 |
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寄生虫吸虫纲列表比较 中文版 原创总结
附:山东大学医学院六年制班 寄生虫吸虫纲列表比较 英文版
寄生虫名称 华支睾吸虫(肝吸虫) 布氏姜片吸虫
形态鉴别 ①成虫:体形狭长,成葵花籽状,背腹扁平,有口、腹吸盘,雌雄同体,有消化、生殖、排泄等系统。
②虫卵:黄褐色,似芝麻形,卵壳较厚,顶端有卵盖和肩峰,另一端有小疣状突起,从粪便中排出时,卵已成熟并内含毛蚴。 ①成虫:较大,肉红色,体肥厚,椭圆形,背腹扁平,有口、腹吸盘,雌雄同体。
寄生部位 肝胆管内 小肠
感染阶段 囊蚴 囊蚴
感染途径、方式 经口(生食或半生食含有活囊蚴的淡水鱼虾) 经口
中间宿主 第一:淡水螺如豆螺等
第二:淡水鱼、虾 扁卷螺
Class Trematoda Clonorchis sinensis Fasciolopsis buski
Site of inhabitation Bile ducts Intestine
Infective route &
mode Eat raw fish and shrimps with
metacercarae Eat raw fresh plants with metacercaria
Infective stage Metacercaria Matacercaria
Intermediate host 1st. intermediate host
Fresh water snails ( Bithynia snail)
2nd. Intermediate host
Fresh water fish and shrimps
(pseudorasbora parva &
cyprius carpio) Planorbis snail
(Medium of water plants is not an int. host)
Common Features of Class Trematoda
1. Most adult tremotoda are dorsal-ventrally flattenen, bilaterally symmetric, leaf like or tongue like, covered with spines or ridges.
2. Armed with oral sucker and ventral sucker.
3. The digestive tract is degenerate and the intestine end is a cecum without anus.
4. The reproductive system is developed and asexual generation: digenesis or alternation of generation.
9. Infective stage is usually a miracercaria.
10. They have their reservoir hosts. The fluke diseases are zoonoses.
吸虫纲共同特征 [木木依以上英文版翻译]
1. 大多数成虫背腹扁平,两侧对称,呈叶状或舌状,表面为光滑或具有小棘的角质层覆盖。
2. 有口、腹吸盘
3. 消化道不完全,无肛门。
4. 大多数雌雄同体(除日本血吸虫)。
5. 大部分虫卵含卵细胞和卵黄细胞,一些虫卵中含成熟毛蚴(华支睾吸虫、日本血吸虫)。
6. 世代交替,且有宿主转换。
7. 生活史离不开水,虫卵必须入水或被软体动物吞食后,才能孵化出毛蚴。 …… |