分类 实验 下的文章

Why does the same gene cause a phenotypic change when knocked down but not when knocked out? The disconnection between genotype and expected phenotype in such cases may be attributed to the activation of the Genetic Compensation Response (GCR). When a gene is mutated or knocked out, GCR is triggered, compensating for the lost function by upregulating homologous or functionally similar genes. This response is particularly pronounced when the mRNA contains a premature termination codon (PTC). GCR is not only a protective mechanism ensuring genetic robustness, but it may also play a significant role in influencing cancer progression. Understanding the mechanisms behind GCR is crucial for advancing our knowledge of tumor progression and for identifying new therapeutic targets.

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Proximity Labeling (PL) technology utilizes specific enzymes to covalently link labels (such as biotin) to proteins near the target protein, enabling the labeling and subsequent analysis of adjacent proteins. This labeling can be detected by mass spectrometry, revealing interactions between proteins. The advent of this technique has not only provided new tools and perspectives for studying protein-protein interactions but has also greatly advanced our understanding of critical biological processes such as cellular signaling and metabolic regulation.

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The U6 promoter originates from the RNA polymerase III (Pol III) system and is used to drive the expression of non-coding RNAs. Its most common applications include driving the expression of small RNA molecules such as short hairpin RNA (shRNA) and small guide RNA (sgRNA). If you need to express short RNA molecules like shRNA or sgRNA for RNA interference (RNAi) or CRISPR gene editing, the U6 promoter is the best choice. For efficiently and stably expressing exogenous proteins in a variety of cell lines, the EF1α promoter is a powerful and durable option, especially suited for long-term expression in lentiviral vector systems. The Ubc promoter is ideal for applications requiring stable gene expression with moderate strength, particularly in experiments where immunogenicity is a concern, such as with stem cells or primary cells.

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